Ever heard of a Pangolin?

Our characters are based on rare endangered species of plant and animal life. Click here to learn about axolotls, pangolins, saiga antelopes and more!

Meet Axol

Read Axol's Inspiration

An adorable tiny blog, featuring the many adventures of Axol as well as updates on new products, events, and the Axol & Friends movement!


Changing the World

One Toy at a Time

Spreading Values of Empowerment

We are committed to spreading impactful values such as conservation, compassion, and community empowerment. Our storybooks, products, and events strategically align to further this ethos.

Ethical, Eco-Friendly Practices

Using organic or recycled materials & paying livable wages are just the start! Axol & Friends is continually growing our sustainability efforts without compromise.

Offsetting our Carbon Footprint

To combat any negative impacts, we calculate our carbon emissions and donate to reforestation programs planting trees to counteract the cost of our operation.

Funding Youth Programs Globally

A portion of every sale (one half of the proit) is donated to local non-profit partners in the same regions these endangered species are native to. These programs empower children to be activists and environmental conservationists.

But wait, there's more...
The Original, Authenticated Axolotl Plush
Proudly Located on Florida's Space Coast
Limited Edition Reusable Packaging
Designs Based on Endangered Species

Meet Jonathan

Founder of Axol & Friends
