Java is Axol's best friend. Pangolins are rare anteaters with an unusual appearance, like an incredibly long tongue. Native to parts of Africa and Asia, the pangolin is a kind-hearted, gentle creature that needs our help! Pangolins are the only mammal with scales.

Type: Mammal

Population: Unknown

Length: 45 inches to 4.5 ft

Habitat: Forests & Grasslands

Weight: 4 to 72 lbs

Scientific Name: Pholidota Manidae

Sadly, pangolins are the world's most trafficked animal. Their biggest threat is poaching by humans, followed by habitat loss. Pangolins are poached and traded more than even elephants and rhinos. An estimated 100 000 are taken from the wild each year.

The world 'pangolin' comes from the Malay word 'peggulung', which means 'one that rolls up'. When it is threatened a pangolin will curl itself into a tight ball which is impenetrable to predators! Not even lions can harm a pangolin when it is in its ball.