Project Hollywood Helper


The concept of #GivingTuesday started in 2012 with a simple idea, to take one day in the busy holiday season to encourage people to do good. From little acts of kindness to major charity donations, there are so many ways you can give today and every day!

On November 16th we participated in #ProjectHollywoodHelper, a star-studded community service event hosted by @hotdiggitymedia in support of @childrensla.What makes this event even more special is that the celebrities are all kids! These kids took time out of their busy schedules to put together holiday gift bags for children who are in the hospital. It’s pretty awesome to see kids using their influence and talents for good, leading movements across the world!

Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and gave their time and energy. Every day we have the chance to make the world a better place, often in ways that we don’t even realize. Acts of kindness, compassion, and empowerment, both big and small can have huge ripple effects, and together we can change the world! @ Skirball Cultural Center

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