The Mirror Foundation

is a grassroots local NGO that provides services for children and families overcoming extreme adversities in Thailand.

For over 20 years, the Mirror Foundation has been providing encompassing social programs for ethnic minorities, stateless persons, and victims of human trafficking.

The Mirror Foundation is split in two departments, Chiang Rai and Bangkok. The Bangkok office addresses challenges of homeless youth, missing persons, and other urban issues. The Chiang Rai office is focused on helping stateless persons.

The Issue of "Statelessness"

In Thailand it is estimated that some 2 million people are stateless, meaning they do not have a nationality or citizenship. There are many causes to this problem, but the most cited include uneven economic growth, erratic labour migration policies, bureaucratic failure, and discrimination against non-Thais, especially highlanders (also known as “hill tribes”). Stateless people cannot vote, buy land, seek legal employment or travel freely.

The Problem

is even worse for stateless children in Thailand trying to attend school. Almost all stateless students drop out by age 12.

Language barriers, unfamiliar cultural norms, discrimination, and the stresses of poverty are all strong deterrents. Many students also have to balance school with caring for siblings or providing financially for their family.

The Solution

requires a flexible approach, that provides encompassing services considering all social, economic and political factors, to create a system where students are set up for success.

The Rai Som School - Blueprints

To better serve the needs of these unique children, the Mirror Foundation is building its own school specifically for stateless children in the north of Thailand.

The campus will also have areas assigned to rice paddies, vegetable gardens and flower beds.

The blueprint shows the main two classrooms. The complex will include an administration block, farmstay, volunteer block, and offices

Curious how this partnership relates to Java the Pangolin? Read about our impact model to learn more!

A portion of every Pangolin plush sale is donated to the Mirror Foundation, including Java the Pangolin!